"Star Keys" (The Word & the Way)
“Trouble, my dear doctor,” Ze says softly. “It means these two have found their share of difficulty, as have I.”
The Dark Lord looks his son’s way. The caves of Boregador helped bear Borzoyle Ze three, fine progeny. FaSloth and Gort helped raise the infants to young adults and then young men. Boregador was a good home in good land. Though now, if he was to return, the caves would be no more than memories.
“What kind of trouble?” Borauk asks.
“We were caught on Tu Tee 4 C of Tuet Mu solar system in our own galaxy, freaking, caught pirating the same type goods,” Yea explains, his heavy eyebrows rising.
The Don’s skin glistens. Better to know him as a friend than an enemy and Tauk, too. Each can snap a resisting soldier’s arm in the blink of an eye.
“Yes, we were found and shipped to 95 Gra Nu Q, a small desolate planet. It is part prison station and common to many planets in our galaxy,” Tauk says.
He smiles and sighs, then winks to Borzoyle as Yea reaches for another handful of skaymeia nuts.
“We will have dinner shortly, general,” Dr. Yearing advises.
“Fine. These will not spoil my appetite,” Yabba tells the doctor pleasantly.
“But do go on please, sir,” Zagia speaks up. Her long, dark, curling eyelashes match her long, sleek legs, and proportioned torso.
“How did you manage to escape?” Dr. Trong’s nose wrinkles again as his ears do.
“We found our ways,” Yabba says. He smiles to Tiekus Tauk. “Our crews were meat to the slaughter in a prison of gladiator matches that guards conducted. Men that were fit, men that survived, were called into more action to serve needs. We…”
“Needless, to say,” Tauk interjects, “we had other plans than to find ourselves subservient to their kind. We found useful tools that slit throats of those that would keep us. We fled. Hyped-up, we flew aboard a stolen craft. In a Noopian cat’s-eye, we were gone. Ha, ho,” he laughs and throws his head, back. Then he gazes to those with him once more and smiles. “My son has several of the radiant beast’s eyes, mystic as they are known.”
“Your son Kieusiv?” Dr. Yearing leans forward. “I know your wife and child, Tiekus.”
“Yes, you do,” says Tauk. “Kieusiv and Solyenay wait for me on Carmadon.”
“Good for you. The boy is like you,” Dr. Yearing says. Corners of her lips roll up.
“Sons are like their fathers in many ways.” Ze groans. He drinks, breathes in, out, and then continues as others listen. “Do finish the tale now. I have thoughts to dwell on. Tell the boys.”
“Yes, Lord Ze, friend and master wizard,” Yea remarks. Again, Yabba Yea shifts his great weight. “I look to three brothers whom I trust have the ability, to grow talent their father possesses.”
“We shall and have,” says Boryion.
Yea grins. Sniffing, he goes on. “Very good; and it is simple young conjurers. Too, Tauk and I and other Ghint’e leaders must train in your ways. All the Alliance must train and stay vigilant,” he says as they listen. “But then to tell the tale,” he continues. “Leaving Gra Na Q, we found Rubadon, a Thema world of plenty. Found it by word of mouth, we did, from a prisoner on that forsaken place we were taken to.” Pausing, he glances to Tauk. “We were wily, were we not Tiekus?”
“Very,” the Carmadon general replies. “We flew to Rubadon. This we did and we marked its coordinates,” Tiekus Tauk continues. “Fuel and supplies, we found and stuffed to our ship. The Rubies had plenty, though they likely found goods missing,” he says and grins. “The source that disclosed the coordinates of Rubadon also told us of a shining crystal in a cave. With this man’s help we found our way there. What we discovered had a strange-shaped-body and it glimmered. A ring the Rubie had, caused the surface of the crystal to spell the name, Nuerte, and words, these…
“Seek the ring of 8 to find
The order of the Thema’s mind
Locked as secrets to them alone
Marvels mysteries, the Force has shown
Let it be written, let it be said
The Book knows the way
Where people are fed
Nuerte calls a son to lead.”